Friday, March 12, 2010

Internet ISP filtering

Hi All,
Okay so it was an easy week this week because we didn't have a lecture, so for me this meant the added benefit of a four day weekend! Lucky me!

So anyway, this week in my tutorial it was suggested that I do this week's post about the new internet ISP filter that Kevin Rudd says we need to protect children from pornography and paedophiles. Whether that is what it will actually do is something else altogether. The biggest problem with the way the filter is that it wont stop people accessing content from the websites the government does not want us to be able to access. This is because most of the people who access it, do so through peer to peer networks and sharing encrypted websites neither of which will be stopped by the ISP filter. And when paedophiles groom children for sex they do it social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace.

The second biggest problem with the filter is that the banned sites have been put together on a blacklist, which is not accessible to the public and because we don't know what's on it we wont know when completely innocent sites have been blacklisted by mistake. For example a Queensland dog kennel was found on a leaked copy of the blacklist.

Given that the internet filter fails to do what they say it is meant to do could it have another purpose, like say if the government didn't want us to see something because it would hurt them politically? Like in George Orwell novel?

Thanks that's all for now,

The Candle Stick Jumper