Friday, April 30, 2010

Downloadable games

Hi readers,
As I was procrastinating instead of thinking of a topic to write about this week I was playing solitaire on my ipod which got me thinking about how the internet and increased processing power has changed gaming. This is particularly obvious when I think about the first electronic game my dad played which was more like a pictureless choose-your-own-adventure-book than any modern computer game. And now we can become so immersed in a computer game we neglect real life the most obvious example of this is World of Warcraft, which has stories of people playing some much they didn't eat or sleep for days. Another recent and disturbing example of people losing interest in real world over a virtual world is a baby in Korea that died from neglect because its parents were busy raising an online baby. Click here to see the story from

Less disturbingly it is interesting how the iPhone and iTouch have transformed portable gaming. Particularly the iPhone which lets people have any game in an instant, this is part of the greater change brought by the iPhone which has completely changed the internet is used, because now it is something portable and not something just on your computer.

Until next week good bye from,
The Candle Stick Jumper