Friday, April 9, 2010

Web 2.0 (whatever that is)

Hi Readers,
This week I am going to discuss Web 2.0, which is basically the name of the new school way that users, can use the internet. Which includes most of the stuff I have written about on this blog like blogs themselves, APIs, social networking sites, etc. And also all the different ways these are put together with each other. This is because they use either 'collective intelligence', 'AJAX' (Asynchronous Javascript And Xml) or a combination of both. A good example of a site that uses both collective intelligence, to pull tweets off twitter and AJAX, to be constantly putting up new tweets, is twistori. Which we saw in the lecture and I just had another look at it, and I have to say it has strangely hypnotic and highly distracting quality to it.

There is one more 'aspect' of Web 2.0 that I haven't mentioned yet which is actually what most people, if mistakenly, think of as Web 2.0, and that is the "cute shiny slidey stuff" as Michael put it. Which is actually just as it sounds a style of web design and is just there to make sites look easy to use and approachable. Though you could actually make a site that looks plain and deceptively like a Web 1.0 site but actually uses collective intelligence and AJAX. I don't know why you would do this unless you wanted to show people what Web 2.0 actually is and means.

Anyway, goodbye until next week readers!

The Jumper of Candle Sticks