Friday, April 16, 2010

Fortunately there was Twitter, Unforunately...

Okay so we (me and my group in my tutorial) had to come up with an idea for a web site that made good use of collective intelligence, so we came up with "Fortunately There Was Twitter, Unfortunately…"
The idea is a game of ‘Fortunately, Unfortunately’ played on twitter.

Thanks to wikipedia for this instruction on how the game is played:
* One person begins with a sentence (e.g., One day Little Johnny walked to the local shoe shop).
* The next person tells of something unfortunate that happens (e.g., Unfortunately, Little Johnny was hit by a refrigerator.).
* The following person contributes a fortunate event (e.g., Fortunately, the refrigerator was made entirely of marshmallows).
* The third person will contribute an unfortunate event (e.g., Unfortunately, these marshmallows had poisonous spikes on them), and the process is repeated.
* The fourth person will contribute a fortunate event (e.g., Fortunately, the spikes were made of Jello ), and the process is repeated

It would be useful for this site to use twitter because it would use less space than if it was just a site where people added posts directly to. It would also be easier to market and get people interested because every time someone posted their sentence to the story it would be linked in the twitter feed via a #tag and all of their followers would be able to see and click on the link, this will spread interest in the site at an accelerating rate. Much like in the exponentiation curve that Michael has shown to us in the lecture.

"Fortunately there was Twitter, Unforunately..." is like twistori but easier spread.

Fortunately of me we had this idea for a web site.

The Jumper of Candle Sticks

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